LCS: LIVE CREATIVES SHOW (web screening here)
Imagined as an amorphous and sustained enquiry into the conditions of Creative Labour in Singapore, LCS debuted as a live film-set - open for public viewing throughout the duration of The Open Workshop held at Supernormal, January 2020.
A fermented lovechild between the Japanese ‘slice-of-life’ hit reality TV Terrace House and the classic surveillance microstate show Big Brother, LCS is an exercise in parafactual entertainment, mimicking essential premises and tropes of reality TV. A variety of recording devices are set up to follow 3 artist-creatives as they inhabit a co-working studio for two-and-a-half weeks, documenting their daily activities, interactions, and tensions in the space. Mystery guests are invited and scheduled activities are carried out as stimuli for our hungry Creatives.
In its final form, Live Creatives Show is presented as a 5-part docu-fictive series within a physical exhibition as well as an online streaming site.

Illustration of Diva, Sher, and Zou Zhao by Howie Kim
Reality TV-inspired series (5 parts), physical & online exhibition
Co-created with Zhiyi Cao
Participants: Sher Chew, Diva Agar, Zou Zhao
Guests: Art Naming, Shawn Chua, Anathapindika Dai, Jimmy Chiu
Greek Korus: Chand Chandramohan, Isaac Chan, Mengju Lin, Milon Goh, Sonia Kwek
Crew: Amrit Dhillon, Ed Khoo, Faraz Hussein, Johann Yamin, Natalie Khoo, Rifqi Amirul Rosli, Rohaizah Binte Abdul Rahman, Ryan Benji Lee, Xafiér Yap, Xindi Ye
Presented at:
In participation of:
Supported by:
Co-created with Zhiyi Cao
Participants: Sher Chew, Diva Agar, Zou Zhao
Guests: Art Naming, Shawn Chua, Anathapindika Dai, Jimmy Chiu
Greek Korus: Chand Chandramohan, Isaac Chan, Mengju Lin, Milon Goh, Sonia Kwek
Crew: Amrit Dhillon, Ed Khoo, Faraz Hussein, Johann Yamin, Natalie Khoo, Rifqi Amirul Rosli, Rohaizah Binte Abdul Rahman, Ryan Benji Lee, Xafiér Yap, Xindi Ye
Presented at:

In participation of:

Supported by: