
Chong Lii’s practice aims to explore the possibility of merging or levelling disparate spaces, objects, people, and images. Permeable frames of history and ontology are set against the spectacle of fiction, re-articulating the tensions from which these elements arise.

Millennial fantasies, accidental occult tributes in digital media and imagined historical subcultures are among the subjects filtered through an idiosyncratic gaze that supports and undermines themOperating alongside strategies of entanglement and the abject, Chong’s installations and films simultaneously counter and revel within the apparatus of the moving image.

Chong’s work has appeared internationally in the VIVO Media Arts Centre, National Gallery Singapore, Hothouse, EYE Filmmuseum, soft/WALL/studs, Supernormal, DECK, Stedelijk Museum, Singapore Art Museum, SSBA Salon, Asian Film Archive’s Oldham Theatre, Singapore Short Film Awards, New People Cinema, and the Athens Digital Art Festival, amongst others.

Currently based in Singapore, Chong was also the art editor for Mynah Magazine, an independent longform publication dedicated to exploring both contemporary and historical Singaporean culture.